Two moments in the last two years:
First, Rebel News, a member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, barred by the RCMP from participating in a news conference with the Prime Minister, on instruction from the PMO. A police action, demanded by a political office, barring a qualified (registered and named member of the press gallery) journalistic outlet.
Second, a mass email to banks, wealth managers, and brokers with full personal information and pictures of over 100 people alleged to be terrorists because they supported the Truck Freedom Convoy and Demonstrations; together with a demand for a report on all financial assets and transactions and a direction to freeze all accounts.
I was fearful, I am now afraid.
This is feeling more and more like Germany in 1932-33. This is why I make that astounding claim: At that time in that country, the working class did not support the Nazis. The support came from the professional and educated elites with backing from ‘big business.’ Much like the woke, bureaucratic response and big business support for the government of Trudeau the Second.