Discover the disturbing implications of Alberta’s advertising strategy. Is the province really owned by Canada or Albertans?
The Dark Truth Behind Alberta’s Tourist Advertisements?

Discover the disturbing implications of Alberta’s advertising strategy. Is the province really owned by Canada or Albertans?
Life is becoming difficult; I have now added a sounding of views on The Truckers Freedom Convoy to my checklist before committing to spending time with anyone.
Especially if I don’t have an easy exit.
UCP members were asked, “Is there anyone else you want to lead?”
Each member could imagine their perfect candidate and vote against Jason. He could not win.
It is with sweet feelings that I remembered Ralph Klein, on March 29th, the anniversary of his passing.
He ranks with Earnest Manning in the pantheon of Premiers.
Histories of past epidemics show the importance of contact tracing.
But the subject has vanished from the public discussion and the media pays it no mind.
Maybe the media is not interested in solutions, only in the problems.
I commented to a friend, “with the loosening of the virus restrictions, we are finally being treated like adults.”
Correctly sensing my disapproval of the lockdown rules, he replied, “Well, they have to aim for the lowest common denominator.” He continued, “Some people are just not going to govern themselves properly.”
I alternate between despair and hope. Despair because of public acceptance of government encroachments on our freedoms; we are slipping towards a new ‘Dark Age’ where we will be oppressed and subject to faceless government workers.
Why do I suggest we need Alberta Police, Alberta Pension, Alberta tax collection, Alberta immigration and Alberta health care management?
“Fight at the outposts, and the citadel will be secure.”
A North American Cold War With a Rush’n Ottawa During the Cold War, everyone agreed that a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US was not a good outcome. Russia and the US developed tripwires that came between a conflict…
War is a continuation of politics by other means. Clausewitz The threat of war will keep parties talking and coming to a mutually satisfactory landing. War is not the desired outcome, merely a possible outcome. Separation of Alberta from the…