Steven Lewis once said, “I don’t know how you can be a Christian and not be a socialist?”
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Steven Lewis once said, “I don’t know how you can be a Christian and not be a socialist?”
I have one hope in this pandemic crisis. I hope that Canadians appreciate the importance of freedom more than ever.
Having lost them in the clutter of orders for vaccines, lockdowns and masks, we may understand how important they are.
An immigrant from Venezuela shared his fear.
He and his wife fled Venezuela to escape what they see emerging in Canada today.
A dear friend of mine passed away recently. He contracted and reacted badly to the Covid virus, which I prefer to call the Wuhan flu.
His wife was not able to be at his side. She was allowed to see him through Facebook as they removed life support.
All financial crises are defaults in debt repayments. Nearly all of them start with government defaults.
Like all other debts, government debts come due and must be repaid; usually, with more debt, the government borrows money and pays the loan payment due; in the financial jargon, the obligations are ‘rolled over.’
I commented to a friend, “with the loosening of the virus restrictions, we are finally being treated like adults.”
Correctly sensing my disapproval of the lockdown rules, he replied, “Well, they have to aim for the lowest common denominator.” He continued, “Some people are just not going to govern themselves properly.”
I alternate between despair and hope. Despair because of public acceptance of government encroachments on our freedoms; we are slipping towards a new ‘Dark Age’ where we will be oppressed and subject to faceless government workers.
We have elected a socialist government in BC. It is amazing to think that we have eliminated the horrors perpetrated by the National Socialist Democratic Party from our memories; and are willing to elect socialist governments today. When will we learn?
Stephen Lewis once said, “I don’t understand how a person can be a Christian and not be a socialist?” I remember thinking, “I don’t understand how a person can be a socialist and claim to be a Christian?” My understanding…
If the men of a society are so weak in controlling their desire for the opposite sex, require the women of that society to cover themselves, what does that say about the men?