The grandeur of the ‘law’ has been replaced with micromanaging rules. And the rule of law, adherence to grand principles of civility has been replaced with mere compliance
Rule of Law

The grandeur of the ‘law’ has been replaced with micromanaging rules. And the rule of law, adherence to grand principles of civility has been replaced with mere compliance
I am coming to believe that many Canadians do not value freedom. They do not attach any importance to a right to demonstrate or speak their minds.
Life is becoming difficult; I have now added a sounding of views on The Truckers Freedom Convoy to my checklist before committing to spending time with anyone.
Especially if I don’t have an easy exit.
I am regularly surprised by friends and acquaintances who don’t share my sense of joy at the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy. Without fail, they view the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act as justified and necessary.
Journalists in the legacy media persist in asserting that Pierre Poilievre, who has consistently preached small government and Canadian freedoms, does not have a coherent policy.
In Victoria, British Columbia, there was a massive show of support for the truckers. Some banners and signs agreed with a ‘no vaccine’ sentiment. They were a minority. Most of the placards simply supported freedom for Canadians and the right to speak and assemble.
Police in Victoria, British Columbia. These are two of the five at this intersection. All the men were armed and dangerous with two squad cars, one pick-up, and three barricades.
he first casualty of the Wuhan Flu was common sense.
It is still on life support and in a coma. But there is hope.
We are still the True North, Strong and Free.
The Mayor of Ottawa has declared a state of emergency because the traffic is blocked in the downtown area.
I have one hope in this pandemic crisis. I hope that Canadians appreciate the importance of freedom more than ever.
Having lost them in the clutter of orders for vaccines, lockdowns and masks, we may understand how important they are.