Modern Feature-Length Hollywood movies: Chinks in the Wall

Some modern feature-length Hollywood movies are taking a slant contrary to the otherwise solid wall of statism and denial of freedoms that are found on the screen.

V for Vendetta A state out of control. A people trading security for freedom, and losing both. Concluding with a rebellion.

Iron Man & Iron Man 2 A defense of private property against an overbearing state prepared to steal Mr. Stark’s technology.

Kingsman A display of the rabid wealthy envirofascists with unerring accuracy.  A group of people who regard humans as a virus.

And then there’s some lesser lights:projector-422145_1280

The Lives of Others A description of state terror.  A state terror relieved by the nobility of one man.

Bicycle Thieves A defense of private property in Italy.

They are slim slivers of hope but hope they are in the gr eat sea of statist feature-length movies coming out of Hollywood and other movie centers.

Thus endeth my career as a movie critic.



Modern Feature-Length Hollywood movies: Chinks in the Wall

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