The Alberta Law Society requires all lawyers to take training in North American Indian history and social habits; ostensibly, a lawyer cannot serve a client without this history and background.
Practicing Cultural Sensitivity

The Alberta Law Society requires all lawyers to take training in North American Indian history and social habits; ostensibly, a lawyer cannot serve a client without this history and background.
Separation is not desired, but it is an option. I don’t want to separate from Ontario and Quebec, but to quote a Quebec separatist leader, “I do want a new relationship.” And let’s be clear, that new relationship will mean…
Jason Kenney and Preston Manning both want to take the possibility of separation from the rest of Canada off the Alberta conversation table.
A Government Commission I would like to see.
The Alberta government has, in the past, created blue-ribbon commissions to review oil and gas royalties.
Why not convene a blue-ribbon commission review of Civil Service payment and benefit rates?
The Federal Government did not send lawyers to defend the Trans Mountain Pipeline at a recent Federal Court hearing. I suppose there are number of possible explanations.
I hope that the Calgary Regional Planning Board dies a quick and cost-saving death.
Five months, 150 days after assuming power, the Alberta NDP through the Minister of Municipal Affairs announced a comprehensive plan for regional planning in Alberta. The dipper caucus, with no prior experience in government and no announced policy position on regional planning, were somehow able to formulate a policy and strategic plan for regional planning for the Calgary Region. A plan that imposed itself on the municipal governments of Calgary and surrounding towns and hamlets.
Alberta passed the Alberta Land Stewardship Act. With this law, according to the announcements, the Alberta government, could manage all the land of Alberta, all the water in Alberta, and even the air over Alberta.
Can we turn the clock back on government intervention? Will the pendulum reverse direction and
recover to a mean?
I am beginning to fear not. There are more government takers than providers. The political
pendulum is weighted in the wrong direction with no apparent change of momentum
or direction reversal in the foreseeable future.
This letter is to anyone thinking of voting for Greg Clark in the next election.
I was dismayed to find out from a very good friend, that he was going to vote for Greg Clark.